New Delhi: The T20 World Cup 2024 triumphant Indian cricket team held an open bus road show, famously called the “victory parade” at the Marine Drive in Mumbai on Thursday. The event brought a huge crowd in the famous locality as the roads were totally jammed leaving the passers-by stranded with security personnel fighting tooth and nail to ensure the smooth flow of the event amid a plethora of fans.
Thousands of videos were shared on social media by the fans who were present during the victory parade, waiting for more than three hours for the team to arrive. They didn’t seem to be bothered at all as their long wait was cut short by their cheers and enthusiasm with which they came in to support the Men in Blue. One such video posted by a fan is doing the rounds on social media where the fans nearby can be strangely heard chanting “Pakistan, Pakistan.”
The chants, although, didn’t come in support of the Men in Green but as a mark of mockery towards the neighbouring country who share bitter geopolitical relations with India. Before the team arrived for the victory parade, many vehicles passed through including a garbage truck that crossed a set of fans. One of the fans was shooting the craze of Mumbaikars and the garbage truck entered the camera frame which quickly brought the chants of “Pakistan, Pakistan.”
Watch the video here –
The video has been shared numerous times on social media as fan wars regularly ensue in the comment sections of such posts, calling each other out and things going haywire with abuses hurled across.
Team India’s victory parade
The Men in Blue arrived late for the victory parade after landing in Mumbai around 7 pm. The team has a packed schedule from morning till night and the victory parade was indeed a memorable affair. The team boarded an open bus for the road show from Nariman Point and passed through the mammoth Mumbai crowd as the Indian players greeted the fans, waving at them and flaunting the T20 World Cup trophy.
The scenes were nothing short of magical as Mumbai showcased its love for cricket and the heroes who brought the trophy home. The entire Marine Drive area was blocked as the roads meant for vehicles were covered by Team India supporters as they saw the team heading to the Wankhede Stadium for the felicitation ceremony that followed.
As the fans awaited Team India during their victory parade at the Marine Drive, a set of them were heard chanting “Pakistan, Pakistan” in one of the videos that has gone viral on the internet. Cricket Sports News: Latest Cricket News, Cricket Live Score, Sports Breaking News from Sports Today