Gauri Khan, a renowned interior designer and wife of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, treated fans on Saturday (November 2) to the first glimpse of King Khan’s birthday celebrations in Mumbai. Taking to her Instagram handle, Gauri Khan shared the first inside picture of her husband and Bollywood superstar’s 59th birthday bash with family. The picture, which was captioned with a heartfelt message, saw Gauri Khan and Suhana Khan clapping as Shah Rukh Khan cut his birthday cake. Gauri Khan, a renowned interior designer and wife of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, treated fans on Saturday (November 2) to the first glimpse of King Khan’s birthday celebrations in Mumbai. Taking to her Instagram handle, Gauri Khan shared the first inside picture of her husband and Bollywood superstar’s 59th birthday bash with family. The picture, which was captioned with a heartfelt message, saw Gauri Khan and Suhana Khan clapping as Shah Rukh Khan cut his birthday cake. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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