Actor-politican Govinda’s fans were in shock after the news of actor getting shot surfaced on social media. The Shivsena leader was accidentally shot in the leg by his own revolver and was rushed to the nearest hospital in Mumbai’s Andheri. According to reports, the incident happened early in the morning at around 5 am. The actor has been admitted to nearby Criticare hospital. We had a 6 am flight to catch for a show in Kolkata and I had reached the airport. Govinda ji was about to leave his residence for the airport when this accident happened,” Govinda’s manager Shashi Sinha said. Actor-politican Govinda’s fans were in shock after the news of actor getting shot surfaced on social media. The Shivsena leader was accidentally shot in the leg by his own revolver and was rushed to the nearest hospital in Mumbai’s Andheri. According to reports, the incident happened early in the morning at around 5 am. The actor has been admitted to nearby Criticare hospital. We had a 6 am flight to catch for a show in Kolkata and I had reached the airport. Govinda ji was about to leave his residence for the airport when this accident happened,” Govinda’s manager Shashi Sinha said. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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