The buzz of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding is not over yet. The post-wedding events are still going on. Not only this but everywhere on social media, there is buzz of Radhika and Anant Ambani’s wedding. Meanwhile, a new video has surfaced which is now going viral as well. In this video, Hardik Pandya and Ranveer Singh are seen having a lot of fun together. Both are seen in super energetic form in the video. Their fun dance is also being praised by social media users while many have also made fun of them. The buzz of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding is not over yet. The post-wedding events are still going on. Not only this but everywhere on social media, there is buzz of Radhika and Anant Ambani’s wedding. Meanwhile, a new video has surfaced which is now going viral as well. In this video, Hardik Pandya and Ranveer Singh are seen having a lot of fun together. Both are seen in super energetic form in the video. Their fun dance is also being praised by social media users while many have also made fun of them. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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