Kartik Aaryan has been promoting his film ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’ alongside his co-stars, Vidya Balan and Tripti Dimri, for the past few days. Recently, during a promotional event, Vidya Balan playfully teased Kartik by saying that he had switched from doing advertisements for Pan Masala to endorsing condoms. Kartik couldn’t help but laugh at her comment. Kartik Aaryan has been promoting his film ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’ alongside his co-stars, Vidya Balan and Tripti Dimri, for the past few days. Recently, during a promotional event, Vidya Balan playfully teased Kartik by saying that he had switched from doing advertisements for Pan Masala to endorsing condoms. Kartik couldn’t help but laugh at her comment. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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