Teaser-trailer of Alia Bhatt-starrer Jigra, also starring Vedang Raina, is finally out. Ahead of the trailer-teaser release, Alia Bhatt along with the makers of the film have been sharing several posters of Jigra over the past few days, building up the excitement. Vedang and Alia are playing brother and sisters in Jigra. The trailer begins with Alia’s character talking about her messed up life since childhood where she is seen mentioning that God took her mother, father committed suicide and distant relatives gave them shelter and made they pay a heavy price for it. While talking about her condition, she is also seen tear-eyed. Teaser-trailer of Alia Bhatt-starrer Jigra, also starring Vedang Raina, is finally out. Ahead of the trailer-teaser release, Alia Bhatt along with the makers of the film have been sharing several posters of Jigra over the past few days, building up the excitement. Vedang and Alia are playing brother and sisters in Jigra. The trailer begins with Alia’s character talking about her messed up life since childhood where she is seen mentioning that God took her mother, father committed suicide and distant relatives gave them shelter and made they pay a heavy price for it. While talking about her condition, she is also seen tear-eyed. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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