Kangana Ranaut’s directorial film Emergency’s trailer was finally unveiled on Wednesday. At the trailer launch, the actress who is also acting in and producing the film interacted with the media. Kangana was asked if she would love to direct the three Khans, which includes Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan and Salman Khan in a film together. In reply, she said, ”I would love to produce and direct a film with all three Khans. And I would also love to show the talented side of theirs, wherein they can act, and also look good. And they can also do something, which is very significant to the society. I would like to make a film like that. Because I think they are all very talented,” reported Hindustan Times. Kangana Ranaut’s directorial film Emergency’s trailer was finally unveiled on Wednesday. At the trailer launch, the actress who is also acting in and producing the film interacted with the media. Kangana was asked if she would love to direct the three Khans, which includes Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan and Salman Khan in a film together. In reply, she said, ”I would love to produce and direct a film with all three Khans. And I would also love to show the talented side of theirs, wherein they can act, and also look good. And they can also do something, which is very significant to the society. I would like to make a film like that. Because I think they are all very talented,” reported Hindustan Times. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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