Bollywood actor and Mandi MP Kangana Ranaut shared good news with her fans on Monday. Her upcoming film Emergency has finally got its release date. It is significant to note that Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency got a clean chit from the censor board on October 17. The actress had informed through her social media account that her film had got the censor certificate. Since then, the release date of the film has been expected. For the unversed, Indira Gandhi’s biopic was scheduled to release on September 6. However, due to their struggle with the censor board and several court cases, the release of this film was postponed. Now Emergency will be released in theatres on January 17, 2025. Bollywood actor and Mandi MP Kangana Ranaut shared good news with her fans on Monday. Her upcoming film Emergency has finally got its release date. It is significant to note that Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency got a clean chit from the censor board on October 17. The actress had informed through her social media account that her film had got the censor certificate. Since then, the release date of the film has been expected. For the unversed, Indira Gandhi’s biopic was scheduled to release on September 6. However, due to their struggle with the censor board and several court cases, the release of this film was postponed. Now Emergency will be released in theatres on January 17, 2025. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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