Kangana Ranaut, whose latest offering Emergency still awaits its theatrical release and Censor Board certification, will next headline a film directed by Manoj Tapadia titled Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata. On Tuesday morning, trade analyst and film critic Taran Adarsh took to his social media handles and announced that Kangana will next be seen essaying the central role in Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata. As per his post, the film will showcase the remarkable stories of ordinary people and their extraordinary achievements. Kangana Ranaut, whose latest offering Emergency still awaits its theatrical release and Censor Board certification, will next headline a film directed by Manoj Tapadia titled Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata. On Tuesday morning, trade analyst and film critic Taran Adarsh took to his social media handles and announced that Kangana will next be seen essaying the central role in Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata. As per his post, the film will showcase the remarkable stories of ordinary people and their extraordinary achievements. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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