Bollywood late actor Dilip Kumar was blessed with a unique ability to underplay emotions and became popular within no time for films including “Mughal-e-Azam”, “Devdas”, “Naya Daur”, and “Ram Aur Shyam”, “Shakti” and “Karma”, among others. He died following a prolonged illness on July 7, 2021, at the age of 98. Sunday. ie. July 7 marks his third death anniversary. Theatre voice presentation “Kuch Kahi Kuch Ankahi” pays tribute to the late screen icon Dilip Kumar, a superstar who still enjoys a huge fan following, says its writer Sadia Rahman. Bollywood late actor Dilip Kumar was blessed with a unique ability to underplay emotions and became popular within no time for films including “Mughal-e-Azam”, “Devdas”, “Naya Daur”, and “Ram Aur Shyam”, “Shakti” and “Karma”, among others. He died following a prolonged illness on July 7, 2021, at the age of 98. Sunday. ie. July 7 marks his third death anniversary. Theatre voice presentation “Kuch Kahi Kuch Ankahi” pays tribute to the late screen icon Dilip Kumar, a superstar who still enjoys a huge fan following, says its writer Sadia Rahman. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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