New Delhi: The Initial Public Offering (IPO) for Macobs Technologies closed on Friday. It opened for subscription on July 16. As of July 19, 2024, the IPO was oversubscribed by 188.7 times. Categorywise, retail investors applied for 147.83X shares, while Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) subscribed 88.92 times the shares on offer, and non-institutional Investors’ (NIIs) subscription status stood at 263.83X on the final day of the offer period.
Macobs Technologies IPO GMP
The Grey Market Premium (GMP) is an unofficial market indicator that suggests a significant interest among investors. As per the Investor Gain website, as of July 19, the Macobs Technologies IPO GMP stands at Rs 20, indicating an estimated listing price of Rs 95 per share (Rs 75 IPO price + Rs 20 GMP). This represents a potential gain of 26.67 per cent per share over the IPO price. This highlights investor optimism about the company’s prospects.
Macobs Technologies IPO allotment, listing
The Macobs Technologies IPO consisted of fresh shares worth Rs 19.46 crores. The money earned from the pubic offer will be used to expand the business. The IPO is expected to be allotted on July 22, 2024. The shares are likely to be listed on the NSE SME platform on 24th July.
Investors were given the opportunity to purchase the shares at a price range of Rs 71 to Rs 75 apiece. The minimum lot size for an application was 1600 shares, which required a minimum investment of Rs 120,000 for retail investors. High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs) were supposed to apply for lots (3,200 shares) worth Rs 240,000.
Macobs Technologies IPO Book Running Lead Manager: SKI Capital Services Limited. Maashitla Securities Private Limited is the Registrar for handling investor queries.
What does Macobs Technologies do?
Macobs Technologies specialises in men’s grooming products, particularly known for its offerings in below-the-belt grooming. Their product range includes advanced trimmers, skincare products tailored for men, and various self-care essentials, all available through their e-commerce platform.
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(Disclaimer: This article is only meant to provide information. does not recommend buying or selling shares or subscriptions of any IPO and Mutual Funds.)
Macobs Technologies IPO GMP was at Rs 20 per share as of July 19, 2024, according to Business Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today