New Delhi: The Mahakumbh Mela will be held from January 13 to February 26 in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj. One of the biggest Hindu festivals, it is held every 12 years and attended by crores of people. It is believed that taking bath in the Mahakumbh will wash away all sins and help us to attain salvation. Crores of devotees are eagerly waiting for the Mela to start. Organizing the Mahakumbh is one of the most sacred and ancient traditions of Hinduism. Notably, Prayagraj is the place of the confluence of the holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati.
The Indian Railways is running special trains during Mahakumbh from different cities to Prayagraj. There are direct trains from Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune and Hyderabad to Prayagraj. In this article, we will take a look at the trains which are running from Ahmedabad to Prayagraj. If you are planning to go to Mahakumbh Mela from Ahmedabad, this information will make your journey easier.
Major trains from Ahmedabad to Prayagraj
ADI-Bhuj Express (19483): The train will start its journey from Ahmedabad Junction railway station at 12:35 pm. It will reach Prayagraj on the next day at 7:18 pm. It is estimated that the train will take around 30 hours and 43 minutes to complete the journey. To book the Sleeper Class, you have to shell Rs 660, and for AC 3-Tier, the expense will be Rs 1,760. If you want to travel by AC 2-Tier coach, then you have to pay Rs 2,550.
Ahmedabad-Patna Express (19421): The train will start its journey from Ahmedabad at 21:50 pm and it will arrive in Prayagraj on the next day at 20:20 pm. The train will take 22 hours and 30 minutes to complete its journey. To book the Sleeper Class, you have to shell Rs 565, and for AC 3-Tier, the expense will be Rs 1,510. If you want to travel by AC 2-Tier coach, then you have to pay Rs 2,180.
Sabarmati Express (19167): This is a four-day-a-week train running between Ahmedabad and Varanasi. The train will start its journey from Ahmedabad at 23:10 pm and it will arrive in Varanasi on the third day at 10:15 am. The train will take approximately 35 hours and 5 minutes to complete its journey. To book the Sleeper Class, you have to shell Rs 650, and for AC 3-Tier, the expense will be Rs 1,655. If you want to travel by AC 2-Tier coach, then you have to pay Rs 3,020.
If you travel by train from Ahmedabad to Prayagraj, then it will be a comfortable and economical journey. The journey will be smooth if you prepare properly. Apart from being a religious event, the Mahakumbh is also a grand celebration of Indian culture and traditions. Many people from Ahmedabad are also going to come to Prayagraj Mahakumbh to take bath.
The Mahakumbh Mela in Prayagraj draws millions of visitors. This article details train options from Ahmedabad to Prayagraj and provides schedules, travel times, and ticket prices for Sleeper, AC 3-Tier, and AC 2-Tier classes, aiding pilgrims planning their journey. Biz News Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today