Malayalam actor and CPI (M) leader Mukesh on Tuesday was arrested by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) in the rape case against him on a complaint by a female actor. His lawyer confirmed that the MLA was arrested, his medical examination and potency test were carried out and then he was released as he had been granted anticipatory bail by a sessions court earlier this month. His arrest was recorded after the SIT, who is investigating the case registered against the actor, called him for questioning. Malayalam actor and CPI (M) leader Mukesh on Tuesday was arrested by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) in the rape case against him on a complaint by a female actor. His lawyer confirmed that the MLA was arrested, his medical examination and potency test were carried out and then he was released as he had been granted anticipatory bail by a sessions court earlier this month. His arrest was recorded after the SIT, who is investigating the case registered against the actor, called him for questioning. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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