Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan’s ‘Karan Arjun’ co-star Mamta Kulkarni returned to India after 25 years. The actress posted a video on Instagram, in which she looked emotional and overwhelmed on her return to India. Mamta Kulkarni said in the video that she has returned to India after 25 years and her old memories have been refreshed on reaching Mumbai. She said that when her flight was passing over India, she became very emotional about seeing her motherland. While landing at Mumbai airport, she could not stop her tears and experienced a deeply emotional moment. Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan’s ‘Karan Arjun’ co-star Mamta Kulkarni returned to India after 25 years. The actress posted a video on Instagram, in which she looked emotional and overwhelmed on her return to India. Mamta Kulkarni said in the video that she has returned to India after 25 years and her old memories have been refreshed on reaching Mumbai. She said that when her flight was passing over India, she became very emotional about seeing her motherland. While landing at Mumbai airport, she could not stop her tears and experienced a deeply emotional moment. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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