Manoj Mitra, veteran Bengali actor and dramatist, is no more. He breathed his last on Tuesday morning at a hospital in Kolkata’s Salt Lake due to age-related issues. It is being reported that he was 86 years old. After learning about his demise, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee took to her X (formerly Twitter) handle and paid her heartfelt condolenses. ”Saddened by the demise of the famous actor, director and playwright, ‘Banga Bibhushan’ Manoj Mitra today morning. He had been a leading personality in our theatre and film worlds and his contributions have been immense. I convey my condolences to his family, friends and admirers,” Mamata wrote in her post. Manoj Mitra, veteran Bengali actor and dramatist, is no more. He breathed his last on Tuesday morning at a hospital in Kolkata’s Salt Lake due to age-related issues. It is being reported that he was 86 years old. After learning about his demise, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee took to her X (formerly Twitter) handle and paid her heartfelt condolenses. ”Saddened by the demise of the famous actor, director and playwright, ‘Banga Bibhushan’ Manoj Mitra today morning. He had been a leading personality in our theatre and film worlds and his contributions have been immense. I convey my condolences to his family, friends and admirers,” Mamata wrote in her post. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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