Navjot Singh Sidhu is all set to reunite with Kapil Sharma in the upcoming episode of The Great Indian Kapil Show (TGIKS). The makers of the show also unveiled a promo earlier this week, calling it the ‘biggest surprise of the season’. Sidhu was part of Kapil’s celebrity chat show since its inception in 2013 but was asked to leave the show after his controversial remarks post the Pulwama Attack in 2019. He was replaced by Archana Puran Singh as a permanent guest of the show. Now, the former cricketer has finally broken his silence on his abrupt exit from the show and citied ‘political reasons’. Navjot Singh Sidhu is all set to reunite with Kapil Sharma in the upcoming episode of The Great Indian Kapil Show (TGIKS). The makers of the show also unveiled a promo earlier this week, calling it the ‘biggest surprise of the season’. Sidhu was part of Kapil’s celebrity chat show since its inception in 2013 but was asked to leave the show after his controversial remarks post the Pulwama Attack in 2019. He was replaced by Archana Puran Singh as a permanent guest of the show. Now, the former cricketer has finally broken his silence on his abrupt exit from the show and citied ‘political reasons’. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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