New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi called Grandmaster Koneru Humpy ‘a sporting icon’ after meeting her in New Delhi on Friday. The 37-year-old chess ace recently triumphed in the FIDE Women’s World Rapid Chess Championship in New York. This was the second time Humpy clinched the title at the event after winning it for the first time in 2019 at Georgia.
Interestingly, the number one Indian is only the second player after China’s Ju Wenjun to clinch the prestigious title more than once. PM Modi also lauded her sharp intellect and called her an inspiration for aspiring players in the country. Humpy was accompanied by her family, which included her husband and daughter.
Glad to have met Koneru Humpy and her family. She is a sporting icon and a source of inspiration for aspiring players. Her sharp intellect and unwavering determination are clearly visible. She has not only brought immense pride to India but has also redefined what excellence is.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 3, 2025
Chess ace calls meet with PM Modi a ‘privileged one’
PM Narendra Modi’s post on social media for the chess star was reply to Humpy’s post of appreciation where she described the meet as a once-in-a-lifetime privilege. Apart from thanking PM Modi, she wrote that the meeting was filled with inspiration and encouragement, as the PM offered his words of wisdom to the chess player.
It was an incredible honor and a once-in-a-lifetime privilege to meet our esteemed Prime Minister, Shri @narendramodi ji, alongside my family.
The experience was truly unforgettable filled with inspiration and encouragement. Thank you, sir, for this remarkable moment!
— Koneru Humpy (@humpy_koneru) January 3, 2025
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi called Grandmaster Koneru Humpy an inspiration for the aspiring youth after meeting her in New Delhi on Friday Other Sports Sports News: Latest Cricket News, Cricket Live Score, Sports Breaking News from Sports Today