PM Narendra Modi on Saturday morning paid tribute to legendary actor Raj Kapoor on his centenary birth anniversary on December 14, 2024. PM Modi took to his X (previously called Twitter) handle and honoured the legacy of the late actor. In the thread of his post, he even called Raj Kapoor a ‘cultural ambassador’, who took Indian cinema to the global stage. ”Today, we mark the 100th birth anniversary of the legendary Raj Kapoor, a visionary filmmaker, actor and the eternal showman! His genius transcended generations, leaving an indelible mark on Indian and global cinema,” he wrote. PM Narendra Modi on Saturday morning paid tribute to legendary actor Raj Kapoor on his centenary birth anniversary on December 14, 2024. PM Modi took to his X (previously called Twitter) handle and honoured the legacy of the late actor. In the thread of his post, he even called Raj Kapoor a ‘cultural ambassador’, who took Indian cinema to the global stage. ”Today, we mark the 100th birth anniversary of the legendary Raj Kapoor, a visionary filmmaker, actor and the eternal showman! His genius transcended generations, leaving an indelible mark on Indian and global cinema,” he wrote. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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