The boy, who was injured during Pushpa 2: The Rule’s midnight screening at Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre, remains critical and was declared brain dead due to lack of breathing. On Tuesday, Hyderabad City Police Commissioner CV Anand Telangana Government Health Secretary Dr Christina IAS visited KIMS Hospital on behalf of the Telangana Government to inquire about the 9-year-old boy Sri Teja. As per a post shared on X (previously called Twitter) by Hyderabad City Police, the doctors have informed him that the boy is being treated with ventilator support and that the treatment is likely to be prolonged. The boy, who was injured during Pushpa 2: The Rule’s midnight screening at Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre, remains critical and was declared brain dead due to lack of breathing. On Tuesday, Hyderabad City Police Commissioner CV Anand Telangana Government Health Secretary Dr Christina IAS visited KIMS Hospital on behalf of the Telangana Government to inquire about the 9-year-old boy Sri Teja. As per a post shared on X (previously called Twitter) by Hyderabad City Police, the doctors have informed him that the boy is being treated with ventilator support and that the treatment is likely to be prolonged. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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