Saif Ali Khan attacked: Mumbai Police on Friday detained a person in connection with an attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. The person has been brought to the police station for further questioning. This comes a day after an intruder stabbed the 54-year-old actor multiple times at his residence in Bandra. Earlier today, the police said that the suspect was last seen near Bandra railway station. After the incident, the suspect caught the first local train in the morning and headed towards Vasai Virar, police officials said. Saif Ali Khan attacked: Mumbai Police on Friday detained a person in connection with an attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. The person has been brought to the police station for further questioning. This comes a day after an intruder stabbed the 54-year-old actor multiple times at his residence in Bandra. Earlier today, the police said that the suspect was last seen near Bandra railway station. After the incident, the suspect caught the first local train in the morning and headed towards Vasai Virar, police officials said. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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