The much-awaited wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant finally took place at Jio Convention Centre, Mumbai on July 12, 2024. The wedding witnessed the attendance of well-known personalities from the entertainment industry. Among these were Bollywood couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone. The Soon to be parents, haven’t posted a picture of them with Deepika’s baby bump since the pregnancy announcement. Moreover, their fans have not been eagerly waiting for a formal photo but are also expecting a maternity photoshoot from the star couple. However, none of those wishes were granted but now an unseen picture of the couple has gone viral on the internet, that did suffice the cause. Ranveer and Deepika are seen posing together at the wedding ceremony of Anant and Radhika. The much-awaited wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant finally took place at Jio Convention Centre, Mumbai on July 12, 2024. The wedding witnessed the attendance of well-known personalities from the entertainment industry. Among these were Bollywood couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone. The Soon to be parents, haven’t posted a picture of them with Deepika’s baby bump since the pregnancy announcement. Moreover, their fans have not been eagerly waiting for a formal photo but are also expecting a maternity photoshoot from the star couple. However, none of those wishes were granted but now an unseen picture of the couple has gone viral on the internet, that did suffice the cause. Ranveer and Deepika are seen posing together at the wedding ceremony of Anant and Radhika. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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