Former World Cup-winning captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni celebrated his 43rd birthday in Mumbai after attending Anant and Radhika’s sangeet party on Saturday night. During the birthday celebration, Sakshi was seen touching the feet of her husband MS Dhoni and taking his blessings. In the video, Mahi can be seen cutting his birthday cake and then feeding it to his wife. While he was seen relishing his cake, his wife touched his feet and sought his blessing. MS, who is known to have a sense of humour also gave her best wishes while laughing it off. Former World Cup-winning captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni celebrated his 43rd birthday in Mumbai after attending Anant and Radhika’s sangeet party on Saturday night. During the birthday celebration, Sakshi was seen touching the feet of her husband MS Dhoni and taking his blessings. In the video, Mahi can be seen cutting his birthday cake and then feeding it to his wife. While he was seen relishing his cake, his wife touched his feet and sought his blessing. MS, who is known to have a sense of humour also gave her best wishes while laughing it off. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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