Salman Khan and his entire family is one of the most loved families in Bollywood. They are often seen together celebrating every occasion to the fullest. Recently, the actor threw a lavish birthday party at his residence in Mumbai. Music composer Himesh Reshammiya took to his Instagram handle and shared a video featuring several pictures from the celebrations. In one of the pics in the video, Arpita Khan, Aayush Sharma, Alvira Agnihotri, Arhaan Khan, and other members of Salman’s family can be seen celebrating together. However, as per post shared by singer Mika Singh, it was the birthday celebrations of Romanian model and singer Iulia Vantur. Salman Khan and his entire family is one of the most loved families in Bollywood. They are often seen together celebrating every occasion to the fullest. Recently, the actor threw a lavish birthday party at his residence in Mumbai. Music composer Himesh Reshammiya took to his Instagram handle and shared a video featuring several pictures from the celebrations. In one of the pics in the video, Arpita Khan, Aayush Sharma, Alvira Agnihotri, Arhaan Khan, and other members of Salman’s family can be seen celebrating together. However, as per post shared by singer Mika Singh, it was the birthday celebrations of Romanian model and singer Iulia Vantur. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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