The trailer of the film ‘Dharamveer 2’ has been launched in Mumbai. This film is the sequel to the 1977 film ‘Dharamveer’, for which an event has been organised to launch the trailer. Salman Khan attended this trailer launch. Apart from him, actors like Govinda, Jitendra and Boman Irani were also seen at this event. Film producer and actor Jackie Bhagnani was also seen with his wife Rakul Preet Singh at the trailer launch event. Salman Khan was given a grand welcome at this event and he later also met the media. The trailer of the film ‘Dharamveer 2’ has been launched in Mumbai. This film is the sequel to the 1977 film ‘Dharamveer’, for which an event has been organised to launch the trailer. Salman Khan attended this trailer launch. Apart from him, actors like Govinda, Jitendra and Boman Irani were also seen at this event. Film producer and actor Jackie Bhagnani was also seen with his wife Rakul Preet Singh at the trailer launch event. Salman Khan was given a grand welcome at this event and he later also met the media. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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