Makers of Akshay Kumar, Radhika Madan and Paresh Rawal-starrer Sarfira has unveiled the much-awaited trailer of the flick. The film promises to entertain people with the hard-hitting story of a man named Vir Matre, who pledges to make every Indian fly in aeroplanes at a lower cost. Coming from not so sound background, he faces all kind of troubles in starting his own airlines. The film is touted to be inspired by an ‘incredible’ true story. Makers of Akshay Kumar, Radhika Madan and Paresh Rawal-starrer Sarfira has unveiled the much-awaited trailer of the flick. The film promises to entertain people with the hard-hitting story of a man named Vir Matre, who pledges to make every Indian fly in aeroplanes at a lower cost. Coming from not so sound background, he faces all kind of troubles in starting his own airlines. The film is touted to be inspired by an ‘incredible’ true story. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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