Satisfy your sweet tooth: Study says eating dark chocolate can fight gum diseases

Satisfy your sweet tooth: Study says eating dark chocolate can fight gum diseases

New Delhi: When it comes to oral health and wellbeing, it depends a great deal on diet. Be it gut health or eating habits or sugar intake, there are several factors at play that affecy oral health and risk of gum diseases. But there is a lot more that can make a difference. But contrary to this, a study recently discovered that eating chocolate could be one of the best ways to cut gum disease risk by half. Turns out, the antioxidants found in cocoa beans – the key ingredient for chocolate, could be responsible for this effect.

Is dark chocolate the only way to combat gum diseases?

According to researchers at the Chongqing Medical University in China, chocolates and cheese are associated with a 54% lower risk of gum diseases. Furthermore, unsalted peanuts can reduce the risk further by 71%. But on the other hand, filtered coffee and low-calorie drinks can make matters worse. Rice, too, is associated with a 58% lower risk of gum diseases. But when it comes to low-calorie drinks, experts say that it could be due to the artificial additives in them.

How does diet contribute to gum diseases?

Doctors say that eating too much sugar and not following a good routine for oral hygiene is one of the leading causes for cavities and gum diseases. However, diabetes and high blood sugar that are also just as much to blame for this. According to experts, diabetes which is not controlled well, leads to high blood sugar levels in mouth fluids which promotes the growth of bacteria and eventually results in gum diseases in a long run. Alternatively, infections that are left untreated from periodontal disease can cause blood sugar to rise, thereby making it harder to control diabetes.

Tips to reduce gum disease risk

While eating dark chocolate can have a preventive effect on oral health and gum diseases, it is advised to not go overboard. Despite being a source of antioxidants, it has a lot of calories which can cause weight gain. Other ways to reduce gum disease risk are:

Brush your teeth twice a day
Floss your teeth
Clean your tongue daily
Use a mouthwash
Limit sugar intake
Go for regular dental check-ups
 According to researchers at the Chongqing Medical University in China, chocolates and cheese are associated with a 54% lower risk of gum diseases. Furthermore, unsalted peanuts can reduce the risk further by 71%. But on the other hand, filtered coffee and low-calorie drinks can make matters worse.  Health News Health News: Latest News from Health Care, Mental Health, Weight Loss, Disease, Nutrition, Healthcare