New Delhi: The Delhi police, late on Thursday night, clarified that the security cover kept for the female wrestlers who had accused former Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh of sexual harassment, hasn’t been withdrawn. This comes after a Delhi court directed the city police on same day to reinstate the security of female wrestlers since they had moved to the court requesting to reinstate the security since its withdrawal on Wednesday night.
Delhi police clarifies stance
Via a post on social media site X, it was informed that the decision was taken to request the Haryana police to takeover the responsibility in future, since the wrestlers normally reside there. Additionally, the post also mentioned that the assigned Delhi Police PSOs misunderstood this decision and got delayed in reporting today but now the situation was rectified and security continues.
The security provided to the wrestlers hasn’t been withdrawn; it was decided to request Haryana Police to takeover the responsibility in future, since the protectees normally reside there.
— DCP New Delhi (@DCPNewDelhi) August 22, 2024
Earlier, Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Priyanka Rajpoot cleared the interim order, saying the wrestler has to appear before the court on Friday to get her statement recorded in the matter. The court was hearing applications filed by senior advocate Rebecca John for three wrestlers, claiming that their security was withdrawn. The court directed police to file a detailed report by Friday regarding the reasons for the withdrawal of the applicants’ security.
Vinesh Phogat claims security withdrawal
On Thursday evening, top Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat claimed on X that police have withdrawn the security of the women wrestlers who are set to testify against Singh in court.
“Delhi Police has withdrawn the security of the women wrestlers who are going to testify against Brij Bhushan in the court,” Phogat said in a post on the microblogging platform and tagged the Delhi Police as well as the National Commission for Women and the Delhi Commission for Women.
In 2023, wrestlers had accused Singh of sexual harassment and two First Information Reports (FIRs) were registered by the Delhi Police against Singh on two complaints lodged by women wrestlers alleging sexual harassment.
In 2023, wrestlers had accused Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh of sexual harassment and two First Information Reports (FIRs) were registered by the Delhi Police. Other Sports Sports News: Latest Cricket News, Cricket Live Score, Sports Breaking News from Sports Today