Famous Indian actor and king of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan and his daughter Suhana Khan were spotted at a shoe store in New York City. In the year 2023, the actor entertained the audience with his films like Pathaan, Jawan and Dunki. And now, he is preparing for his next upcoming action-thriller movie ‘King’ which also features his daughter, Suhana Khan. Last year, with Zoya Akhtar’s ‘The Archies’ Suhana made her Bollywood debut. Currently, she is busy with her father in the pre-production collaboration of their upcoming movie ‘King’. They both were spotted by an Indian man at a New Balance shoe store browsing for shoes. Famous Indian actor and king of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan and his daughter Suhana Khan were spotted at a shoe store in New York City. In the year 2023, the actor entertained the audience with his films like Pathaan, Jawan and Dunki. And now, he is preparing for his next upcoming action-thriller movie ‘King’ which also features his daughter, Suhana Khan. Last year, with Zoya Akhtar’s ‘The Archies’ Suhana made her Bollywood debut. Currently, she is busy with her father in the pre-production collaboration of their upcoming movie ‘King’. They both were spotted by an Indian man at a New Balance shoe store browsing for shoes. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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