Sidharth Malhotra, the Bollywood actor who made his debut 12 years ago, will now be seen romancing a 12-year-old younger actress in his upcoming film. Ulajh actor Janhvi Kapoor will now be seen with Sid in an upcoming romantic-comedy, titled Param Sundari. After starring in multiple patriotic films, Sidharth will return to the love-drama genre and will now be seen opposite an actress with whom he has never worked before. Yes! Fresh pair alert. Sidharth Malhotra, the Bollywood actor who made his debut 12 years ago, will now be seen romancing a 12-year-old younger actress in his upcoming film. Ulajh actor Janhvi Kapoor will now be seen with Sid in an upcoming romantic-comedy, titled Param Sundari. After starring in multiple patriotic films, Sidharth will return to the love-drama genre and will now be seen opposite an actress with whom he has never worked before. Yes! Fresh pair alert. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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