Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Anil Kapoor, and Akshay Khanna starrer Taal is once again releasing in theatres. Subhash Ghai’s highly acclaimed film with hit the big screens this Friday. Recently, the filmmaker attended a special event hosted by Radio Nasha and spoke about the film. He also mentioned that AR Rahman got a ‘minimum’ pay for the music of Taal. As surprising as it may sound, Rahman, who was sitting next to Ghat at the event, suggested they should mention that at the 25th anniversary of Taal. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Anil Kapoor, and Akshay Khanna starrer Taal is once again releasing in theatres. Subhash Ghai’s highly acclaimed film with hit the big screens this Friday. Recently, the filmmaker attended a special event hosted by Radio Nasha and spoke about the film. He also mentioned that AR Rahman got a ‘minimum’ pay for the music of Taal. As surprising as it may sound, Rahman, who was sitting next to Ghat at the event, suggested they should mention that at the 25th anniversary of Taal. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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