Chennai: The ruling Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) on Tuesday announced “Anniyur” Siva as its candidate in the upcoming Vikravandi constituency by-election. Siva has been in the party since the 90’s and advocated for the Nandhan Canal to be revived in the region.
விக்கிரவாண்டி சட்டப்பேரவை தொகுதி இடைத் தேர்தல் கழக வேட்பாளர்.
– கழகத் தலைவர் மு.க.ஸ்டாலின் அவர்கள் அறிவிப்பு
— DMK (@arivalayam) June 11, 2024
Yesterday, the Election Commission of India (ECI) declared bypoll for Vikravandi Assembly constituency to be held on July 10 and the results will be declared on July 13.
The demise of former DMK MLA from Vikravandi, N Pughazendhi led to the by election. The Vikravandi assembly constituency in Villupuram district of Tamil Nadu fell vacant after DMK legislator K Radhamani passed away in office in June, 2019. Both had died passed away due to ill health.
In a separate announcement, the DMK removed Minister Gingee KS Masthan from the party’s Villupuram North district secretary post. P Sekar was appointed as the new district secretary, while Dr T Gowthamsigamani was appointed as Villupuram South district secretary.
In a parell development, the continuation of budget session of the Tamil Nadu Assembly which was scheduled to begin from June 24 has been advanced to June 20.
DMK Head qaurters declared Anniyur Siva as the candidate for bypoll at Vikravandi constituency in Tamil Nadu’s Villupuram, on Tuesday. Tamil Nadu States News India: Top News India, States News, States News Headlines, Online State News India, State Politics news