Shraddha Kapoor and Raj Kumar Rao starrer film Stree 2 is making a splash in terms of earnings. Amar Kaushik’s directorial film has crossed the 400 crore mark at the domestic box office. At the same time, in terms of worldwide collection, the film has also reached beyond 550 crores. At the same time, John Abraham’s Veda and Akshay Kumar’s Khel Khel Mein, which was released with Stree 2, also faded in front of it. Stree’s strength at the box office is still intact. In the coming time, this collection is expected to reach 600 crores. On the other hand, some more films are releasing on the big screen. Check out the full list here. Shraddha Kapoor and Raj Kumar Rao starrer film Stree 2 is making a splash in terms of earnings. Amar Kaushik’s directorial film has crossed the 400 crore mark at the domestic box office. At the same time, in terms of worldwide collection, the film has also reached beyond 550 crores. At the same time, John Abraham’s Veda and Akshay Kumar’s Khel Khel Mein, which was released with Stree 2, also faded in front of it. Stree’s strength at the box office is still intact. In the coming time, this collection is expected to reach 600 crores. On the other hand, some more films are releasing on the big screen. Check out the full list here. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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