Television actors Gurucharan Singh and Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal, popularly known for their stint in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah as Mr and Mrs Roshan Singh Sodhi, were spotted together and their viral video will surely make your day. Both actors left TMKOC a while ago and shared a touching moment on their Instagram handle jointly. ”JAB WE MET AGAIN,” the actor jointly wrote in the caption. Soon after the video was shared by the actors, their fans chimed in the comment section and wished their return on the show. Television actors Gurucharan Singh and Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal, popularly known for their stint in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah as Mr and Mrs Roshan Singh Sodhi, were spotted together and their viral video will surely make your day. Both actors left TMKOC a while ago and shared a touching moment on their Instagram handle jointly. ”JAB WE MET AGAIN,” the actor jointly wrote in the caption. Soon after the video was shared by the actors, their fans chimed in the comment section and wished their return on the show. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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