Bigg Boss 18, hosted by Salman Khan, is all set to premiere on television with new contestants, new house theme and new twists on October 6. Ever since the new season was announced, several reports claiming possible contestants have been doing rounds on the internet. One such report claimed that TV actor Rithvik Dhanjani is participating in the 18th edition of Bigg Boss. However, the actor who has been part of many reality TV shows in the past refuted such rumours and called it ‘false news’. Bigg Boss 18, hosted by Salman Khan, is all set to premiere on television with new contestants, new house theme and new twists on October 6. Ever since the new season was announced, several reports claiming possible contestants have been doing rounds on the internet. One such report claimed that TV actor Rithvik Dhanjani is participating in the 18th edition of Bigg Boss. However, the actor who has been part of many reality TV shows in the past refuted such rumours and called it ‘false news’. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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