Bhojpuri actor Vijay Khare, who made his mark as a villain in the Bhojpuri industry, took his last breaths on Sunday. He was suffering from Parkinson’s and was undergoing treatment for a long time. He took his late breath at 4:00 am this morning during treatment at Kaveri Hospital in Bengaluru. For those who don’t know, Vijay Khare has worked in more than 300 films and got famous for playing the role of a villain in films including Ganga Kinare Mora Gaon (1983). Bhojpuri actor Vijay Khare, who made his mark as a villain in the Bhojpuri industry, took his last breaths on Sunday. He was suffering from Parkinson’s and was undergoing treatment for a long time. He took his late breath at 4:00 am this morning during treatment at Kaveri Hospital in Bengaluru. For those who don’t know, Vijay Khare has worked in more than 300 films and got famous for playing the role of a villain in films including Ganga Kinare Mora Gaon (1983). IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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