New Delhi: The National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) on Wednesday served notice to wrestler-turned-politician Vinesh Phogat for missing the dope test. Phogat was handed the notice for whereabouts failure and sought an explanation withing 14 days amid the ongoing election campaign in Haryana. All the athletes registered with NADA’s Registered Testing Pool (RTP) are required to provide details about their availability for dope tests.
The wrestler had earlier announced her retirement after she was disqualified from the Paris Olympics 2024 for being being 100gms overweight ahead of her 50kg category medal bout. Meanwhile, if the registered athletes with NADA’s RTP fill the details and are found not available on that location at that given time, it is considered a whereabouts failure.
Phogat unavailable for dope test on September 9
The NADA, in its notice, conveyed to the wrestler-turned-politician that she had apparently committed a whereabouts failure as she was not available for a dope test on September 9 at her house in Kharkhoda village in Sonepat.
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NADA served a notice to wrestler-turned-politician Vinesh Phogat for whereabouts failure and sought an explanation within 14 days. Other Sports Sports News: Latest Cricket News, Cricket Live Score, Sports Breaking News from Sports Today