Riddhima Kapoor Sahni took to her Instagram handle and shared a videom of herself dancing to ‘Jamal Kudu’ song from Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Animal. The video is captivating the attention of many as it also features both Ranbir and Riddhima’s mother Neetu Kapoor shaking a leg with the latter, showcasing family bonding and fun. The duo recreated the iconic dance moves from the iconic song. The song, known for its catchy beats and the fun challenge of balancing a glass on the head while dancing, took the internet by storm when it was unveiled last year. Riddhima Kapoor Sahni took to her Instagram handle and shared a videom of herself dancing to ‘Jamal Kudu’ song from Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Animal. The video is captivating the attention of many as it also features both Ranbir and Riddhima’s mother Neetu Kapoor shaking a leg with the latter, showcasing family bonding and fun. The duo recreated the iconic dance moves from the iconic song. The song, known for its catchy beats and the fun challenge of balancing a glass on the head while dancing, took the internet by storm when it was unveiled last year. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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