New Delhi: World Drowning Prevention Day is every year observed on July 25 to raise awareness about the disastrous and long-term effects of drowning and its long-term effects. The day also informs us about how we can prevent drowning. Various studies have shown that every year, more than 2,00,000 individuals, mostly children aged 14 years. In this article, let us look at the theme and why the day is important.
World Drowning Prevention Day 2024: Why is it important to observe the day?
According to the United Nations (UN), drowning is a significant cause of mortality worldwide among children and young individuals aged 1-24 years. It ranks as the third most prevalent cause of unintentional injury-related fatalities, making up 7 per cent of all such deaths.
The global burden of death from drowning is felt in all economies and regions. However, over 90 per cent of unintentional drowning deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. More than half of the world’s drowning incidents happen in the WHO Western Pacific Region and WHO South-East Asia Region. The highest drowning death rates are found in the WHO Western Pacific Region, where the rates are 27-32 times higher than those in the United Kingdom or Germany respectively.
World Drowning Prevention Day is observed every July 25 and was established in April 2021 by General Assembly resolution A/RES/75/273. This important global event aims to raise awareness about the devastating effects of drowning on individuals, families, and communities and promote effective strategies to prevent such tragedies.
The latest resolution from the UN General Assembly calls upon the World Health Organization (WHO) to take charge of efforts to prevent drowning within the UN system. In this role, WHO is responsible for organising World Drowning Prevention Day, which involves creating advocacy materials, hosting an international launch event, and providing assistance for local and national activities in various countries and communities across the globe.
World Drowning Prevention Day 2024: What is the theme for this year?
“Anyone can drown, no one should” is this year’s World Drowning Prevention Day theme.
Drowning is so sudden, abrupt and shocking that people don’t realise it is happening until it is too late. So much can happen in a single moment. But with the proper awareness and actions, what happens in those seconds can also be changed – for the better.
In what ways can we prevent drowning?
On World Drowning Prevention Day, it is essential for all stakeholders – including governments, UN agencies, civil society organisations, the private sector, academia, and individuals – to emphasise the urgent need for coordinated and multi-sectoral action to prevent drowning. This includes implementing proven measures such as:
1. To prevent accidental drowning, Barriers should be installed to control access to water, especially in areas frequented by children and non-swimmers.
2. Safe spaces away from water, such as crèches for pre-school children, should be provided and staffed with capable childcare providers to keep children away from drowning hazards.
3. Offering swimming lessons, water safety education, and training in safe rescue skills to individuals, particularly those residing in areas with a high risk of drowning.
4. Train bystanders in safe rescue and resuscitation techniques to ensure quick and practical assistance in case of a drowning incident.
5. Establishing and enforcing safe boating, shipping, and ferry regulations to prevent accidents and drownings related to water transport.
6. Enhancing flood risk management measures to minimise the risk of drowning during flood events and heavy rainfall.
All stakeholders need to recognise these measures and take action to promote water safety and drowning prevention.
Source: WHO
World Drowning Prevention Day is held annually on July 25 to remember lives lost due to drowning and to increase knowledge on safety in and around water. It is a global event approved by the United Nations in April 2021. In this article, let us look at this year’s theme and other details about the day. knowledge Knowledge News, Photos and Videos on General Knowledge