The re-release of Tumbbad has made waves at the box office, setting a new benchmark for cinematic re-releases in India. The film, which initially garnered Rs 1.65 crore on its opening day, saw a substantial rise in earnings on its second day, amassing Rs 2.65 crore. This impressive growth has propelled Tumbbad to a total of Rs 4.3 crore in just two days, marking it as the highest-grossing re-release in Indian cinema history. The re-release of Tumbbad has made waves at the box office, setting a new benchmark for cinematic re-releases in India. The film, which initially garnered Rs 1.65 crore on its opening day, saw a substantial rise in earnings on its second day, amassing Rs 2.65 crore. This impressive growth has propelled Tumbbad to a total of Rs 4.3 crore in just two days, marking it as the highest-grossing re-release in Indian cinema history. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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