Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding is currently a hot topic everywhere including on social media. The two tied the knot on Friday in the presence of several popular personalities at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai. Approaching the stage, Radhika’s entry was nothing short of spectacular. The emotional yet joyful expressions on the faces of her family and friends are winning the hearts of many. The groom made a grand entrance accompanied by his father, Mukesh Ambani, and uncle Anil Ambani. A viral video of Radhika walking down the aisle with her father Viren Merchant is also doing rounds on the internet. In the viral video, Radhika is seen getting emotional as her family and friends radiated with joy on watching her arriving to the mandap. Singer Shreya Ghoshal performed live as Radhika made her entry. Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding is currently a hot topic everywhere including on social media. The two tied the knot on Friday in the presence of several popular personalities at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai. Approaching the stage, Radhika’s entry was nothing short of spectacular. The emotional yet joyful expressions on the faces of her family and friends are winning the hearts of many. The groom made a grand entrance accompanied by his father, Mukesh Ambani, and uncle Anil Ambani. A viral video of Radhika walking down the aisle with her father Viren Merchant is also doing rounds on the internet. In the viral video, Radhika is seen getting emotional as her family and friends radiated with joy on watching her arriving to the mandap. Singer Shreya Ghoshal performed live as Radhika made her entry. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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