Veteran actor Dharmendra may have turned 88, but he is quite social media friendly. Like Amitabh Bachchan, he is also very active on social media and keeps sharing new videos and posts every day. The He-Man of Bollywood appeared in an important role in Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt starrer ‘Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’ released in 2023 and then also appeared in Shahid Kapoor-Kriti Sanon starrer ‘Teri Baatein Aisa Uljha Jiya’. Dharmendra, who is in the headlines for his films these days, is now in the news for one of his videos, after watching which the concern of the actor’s fans has increased. In this video, a plaster is seen on one of Dharmendra’s legs, due to which his fans are wondering about the veteran actor’s health. Veteran actor Dharmendra may have turned 88, but he is quite social media friendly. Like Amitabh Bachchan, he is also very active on social media and keeps sharing new videos and posts every day. The He-Man of Bollywood appeared in an important role in Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt starrer ‘Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’ released in 2023 and then also appeared in Shahid Kapoor-Kriti Sanon starrer ‘Teri Baatein Aisa Uljha Jiya’. Dharmendra, who is in the headlines for his films these days, is now in the news for one of his videos, after watching which the concern of the actor’s fans has increased. In this video, a plaster is seen on one of Dharmendra’s legs, due to which his fans are wondering about the veteran actor’s health. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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