Vande Bharat trains is easily the poster boy of Indian Railways. Within 5 years of introducing these trains – these were launched in 2019 – these trains have triggering demand in countries in different continents such as North America (Canada), Asia (Malaysia) and South America (Chile).
Reports indicate that the USPs that have got foreigners interested are similar to what popularised ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) achieved – accomplish the same task at a far lower cost.
Several USPs of Vande Bharat
Officials have told the media that Vande Bharat trains have appealed to potential buyers in different countries since these not only have a cost edge but also comply with many requirements in those countries.
Low cost of Vande Bharat
But first the cost. The biggest USP is the cost, officials have said. While comparable trains are built in these countries at an expenditure of about Rs 160-180 crore, Indians can build a Vande Bharat train for an amount between Rs 120 crore and Rs 130 crore.
Speed and acceleration
The speed of Vande Bharat trains is also a factor. Though the actual speed of the train depends on conditions on the ground like track conditions and is limited to about a maximum of 130 km/hour, these trains have a template speed of 180 km/hour.
According to sources, Vande Bharat trains reportedly take just about 52 seconds to accelerate to 100 km/hour from rest. In comparison, the famous bullet train from Japan takes about 54 seconds.
Vande Bharat makes less noise
The coaches are aesthetically appealing too. One of the qualities of these trains which is frequently highlighted is that they make less noise – about 1% of that of an airplane. Another metric where these trains score is fuel efficiency, which is always a concern for a country like India.
How many running in India
Till mid-September, a total of 66 Vande Bharat trains are operating in India and the government is planning to introduce many more. While these trains are faster than others running in the country, they offer modern facilities such as WiFi and entertainment screens.
The low-cost Vande Bharat trains are driving home the Made In India advantage since they offer quality build at an extremely competitive cost. Biz News Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today