Bollywood actors Zayed Khan and Amrita Rao recently had a small ‘Main Hoon Na’ reunion. They were last seen together in the Farah Khan’s directorial ‘Main Hoon Na’. Zayed and Amrita comes back together after a huge gap of 21 years, for a project. The duo were seen shooting for a video of which behind the scenes has been posted on social media. As soon as the video was uploaded, excitement levelled up among fans and the video went viral in no time. Bollywood actors Zayed Khan and Amrita Rao recently had a small ‘Main Hoon Na’ reunion. They were last seen together in the Farah Khan’s directorial ‘Main Hoon Na’. Zayed and Amrita comes back together after a huge gap of 21 years, for a project. The duo were seen shooting for a video of which behind the scenes has been posted on social media. As soon as the video was uploaded, excitement levelled up among fans and the video went viral in no time. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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