Hyderabad: Telangana Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has arrested the former OSD of the then animal husbandry minister, Talasani Srinivas Yadav and another official in connection with the alleged irregularities in the Sheep Distribution scheme during the previous BRS government.
Sabavath Ramchander, Chief Executive Officer of Telangana State Livestock Development Agency, and Gundamaraju Kalyan Kumar, former OSD to the then Minister for Animal Husbandry who allegedly colluded and conspired with individuals and resorted to illegal acts and violations in discharging their duties, were arrested, the ACB said in a release.
ACB Investigation revelations:
The ACB said that its investigation revealed rampant fraudulent practices and corruption. Further investigation is on and aims to uncover the extent of high-ranking and low-ranking officials involvement in the case.
The scale of the fraud is expected to pass Rs 253 crore, which was uncovered earlier by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) in seven districts of the state. A previous report highlighted the transport of sheep by impossible methods. For example, in Khammam, an ambulance was fraudulently recorded carrying 84 sheep in one trip. Similarly, in Sangareddy district, a two-wheeler allegedly carried 126 sheep, records showed.
Top officials may have amassed a whopping Rs 700 crore through a network of brokers and other officials.
Sheep Distribution Scam:
The scheme was launched by the TRS (now BRS) government in April 2017 to provide sustainable livelihood to shepherd families and has now been tainted by large scale corruption.
The scheme was launched by the BRS government in April 2017 to provide sustainable livelihood to shepherd families. Telangana States News India: Top News India, States News, States News Headlines, Online State News India, State Politics news