Veteran Bollywood actor Naseeruddin Shah is turning 74 today. It’s rare to name an actor of the same calibre as him in the Indian film industry. Naseeruddin Sahab has been bestowed with three National Awards, Padma Shri Padma Bhushan and three Filmfare Awards in his almost 50 years of filmy career. With a filmography including names like, Jane Bhi Do Yaaro, Paar, Iqbal, Sarfarosh, A Wednesday, Waiting, Ishqiya, Maqbool, and Monsoon Wedding among several others, it’s hard to name the best of it all. Shah can even feature in films like Rajneeti or Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara and can capture your hearts with even a cameo. One thing that one knows about a film featuring him, is that anything coming out of his mouth- will be impactful. And today we bring to you some of his iconic and memorable dialogues that elevated the scenes like no one else does. Veteran Bollywood actor Naseeruddin Shah is turning 74 today. It’s rare to name an actor of the same calibre as him in the Indian film industry. Naseeruddin Sahab has been bestowed with three National Awards, Padma Shri Padma Bhushan and three Filmfare Awards in his almost 50 years of filmy career. With a filmography including names like, Jane Bhi Do Yaaro, Paar, Iqbal, Sarfarosh, A Wednesday, Waiting, Ishqiya, Maqbool, and Monsoon Wedding among several others, it’s hard to name the best of it all. Shah can even feature in films like Rajneeti or Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara and can capture your hearts with even a cameo. One thing that one knows about a film featuring him, is that anything coming out of his mouth- will be impactful. And today we bring to you some of his iconic and memorable dialogues that elevated the scenes like no one else does. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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