Priyanka Chopra, who has taken off from Bollywood to Hollywood, is doing amazing projects one after the other these days. After attending the wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, she has resumed work. Priyanka Chopra is shooting for her next film in Australia these days. Many of her pictures have surfaced from the set of ‘The Bluff’ and are becoming increasingly viral on social media. It’s the PC’s look that has surprised netizens. Priyanka Chopra, who has taken off from Bollywood to Hollywood, is doing amazing projects one after the other these days. After attending the wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, she has resumed work. Priyanka Chopra is shooting for her next film in Australia these days. Many of her pictures have surfaced from the set of ‘The Bluff’ and are becoming increasingly viral on social media. It’s the PC’s look that has surprised netizens. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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