Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic Mumbai residence, Mannat, is basking in the vibrant glow of Diwali decoration lights. SRK and his wife Gauri have been known for their extravagant Diwali celebrations. Ahead of the festivities, the couple has decked up their home with beautiful decorative lights showcasing the Diwali spirit. This Diwali celebration becomes even more special as Shah Rukh Khan will turn 59 on November 2, two days after Diwali. A video of Mannat is also trending on social media wherein the famous sea-facing home in Bandra is adorned with beautiful decorative lights while a crowd of eager fans gather outside, hoping to get a glimpse of their beloved star. Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic Mumbai residence, Mannat, is basking in the vibrant glow of Diwali decoration lights. SRK and his wife Gauri have been known for their extravagant Diwali celebrations. Ahead of the festivities, the couple has decked up their home with beautiful decorative lights showcasing the Diwali spirit. This Diwali celebration becomes even more special as Shah Rukh Khan will turn 59 on November 2, two days after Diwali. A video of Mannat is also trending on social media wherein the famous sea-facing home in Bandra is adorned with beautiful decorative lights while a crowd of eager fans gather outside, hoping to get a glimpse of their beloved star. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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