New Delhi: Former Indian cricket team captain Sourav Ganguly’s daughter Sana managed to escape unhurt after her car got hit by a bus in Kolkata on Friday. As per reports, the accident took place in Kolkata’s Behala area when a bus heading to Raichak rammed into the car with Sana seated in the front seat next to the driver’s seat.
The bus headed towards Raichak met with an accident with Ganguly’s daughter’s car at the Behala intersection on Diamond Harbour Road in Kolkata. As per reports, the car sustained minor damage from the collision and there were no injuries to any of the passengers in the car. However, it was a lucky escape as things could have taken a drastic turn.
The looking glass of Sana’s car got broken in the accident but major damage was averted. The Kolkata police soon arrested the accused bus driver for reckless driving after the Ganguly family filed an official complaint at the Thakurpur police station.
Sana is the only child of former India captain Ganguly and his wife Dona. The 22-year-old is a graduate in Economics from University College London (UCL). She is currently working as a consultant with London-based firm Innoverv.
Sourav Ganguly working as Director of Cricket for JSW Sports
Ganguly, a former India captain and an ex-BCCI president, is currently working as the Director of Cricket for JSW Sports, overlooking all cricket franchises owned by the organisation. The former India captain has been associated with JSW for a long time now and has also served as an advisor and the Director of Cricket for JSW co-owned Delhi Capitals (DC).
JSW Sports co-owns the Delhi Capitals men’s team and women’s teams in the Indian Premier League (IPL) and the Pretoria Capitals in the SA20. However, Ganguly will not be part of Delhi Capitals’ men’s team’s support staff in IPL 2025 as the franchise will be coached by former India cricketer Hemang Badani with Venugopal Rao serving as the Director of Cricket at the franchise.
Sourav Ganguly’s daughter Sana managed to escpae unhurt after her car was involved in an accident in Kolkata on Friday. Cricket Sports News: Latest Cricket News, Cricket Live Score, Sports Breaking News from Sports Today