Vikrant Massey, who recently announced his retirement on his social media, has now issued a clarification about his recent post. On Monday, the actor announced the news of stayinh aways from acting and penned a note on his Instagram handle. In his post, the actor said that he wants to spend time with his family to fulfil his duties as a son, father and a husband. While some called it retirement, other’s quoted it as a publicity stunt. JHowever, the The Sabarmati Report actor has clarified his stance as he called it a long break and not an early retirement. Vikrant Massey, who recently announced his retirement on his social media, has now issued a clarification about his recent post. On Monday, the actor announced the news of stayinh aways from acting and penned a note on his Instagram handle. In his post, the actor said that he wants to spend time with his family to fulfil his duties as a son, father and a husband. While some called it retirement, other’s quoted it as a publicity stunt. JHowever, the The Sabarmati Report actor has clarified his stance as he called it a long break and not an early retirement. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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