New Delhi: Mumbai Indians franchise have added another feather to their cap by bagging the Oval Invincible team in The Hundred competition. According to a report published in Cricbuzz, Mumbai Indians (MI) owned by Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), have bagged the team after winning a record bid of 123 million pounds, much higher than the anticipated amount.
Mumbai Indians, who have won over a couple of competitors, have clinched the deal to buy 49 per cent stake in the Oval Invincible, giving millions of Indian fans a chance to watch the UK-based professional cricket tournament. Oval Invincible, run by the Surrey Country, was first up in the blocks after the bidding started as per the report. RIL submitted the highest bid for a stake in the Invincibles
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), the owners of global Mumbai Indians franchise, have bagged the Oval Invincible team in the Hundred.
Details: #IPL
— Cricbuzz (@cricbuzz) January 30, 2025
MI to negotiate agreement with Surrey
The Invincible are one of the best teams in the competition after having won the 2023 and the 2024 editions of the cricket league. As per sources, the big IPL franchise will now negotiate agreements with Surrey, the ECB and their financial advisors before completing the purchase. The Invincibles will become the sixth team run by Reliance Industries, after Mumbai Indians (both in the IPL and WPL), MI New York (MLC), MI Cape Town (SA20) and MI Emirates (ILT20).
The deal also sees the coming together of two heavyweights of their respective markets with MI undoubtedly the biggest franchise in the IPL while Surrey the richest English county club. There were reports circulating that the Mumbai Indians franchise will go for the London Spirits team in the Hundred competition but their focus moved towards the Invincibles.
Reliance Industries Limited-owned Mumbai Indians has bagged Oval invincible team in the Hundred competition with a mega-deal. Cricket Sports News: Latest Cricket News, Cricket Live Score, Sports Breaking News from Sports Today